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Q: Why does my dog eat his/her own feces?

A: This is generally a behaviour that is brought on by what we call “old school training”, where you rub your dogs nose in the mess. This causes your dog to believe they have to “clean up.” This can be corrected by medication called deter, or also by proper potty training. We offer potty training courses that are one on one or also in our puppy classes. We discuss training methods that work best for you and your pet.

Q: Why does my puppy chew and nip?

A: Puppies learn while in the litter to explore with their mouths. When a puppy hurts the other, they will make a yelping noise to say that they have been hurt. When your puppy makes contact with you with their teeth, you should yelp “ouch” in a high pitch to signal that he/she hurt you. Also, playing games that involve biting, teaches them biting is ok. If your puppy is chewing because of teething, try to give him/her canvas toys that you can soak in water and freeze. Another great toy is a puppy Kong filled with frozen smooth peanut butter.

Q: How do I teach my dog to stop begging?

A: : Dogs are generally attracted to food that is not their normal kibble. The most common reason this behaviour starts is from feeding your dog while you are eating at the table. You can teach your puppy that when the pet parents are eating, he/she must lay on a mat or a bed. If you do choose to give your puppy a little treat, take your plate out of the dogs’ sight, and place the treat into their food dish. Dogs need to understand that food will not come off your plate and go directly to them.

Q: What type of collar should I use?

A:There are several different forms of “training collars”. The one thing you must consider when training your pet is what they will be wearing for the rest of their lives. Our Classes offer loose leash walking, where you train your dog on a leash and collar, so in the future, you do not have to use the training collars, and you can enjoy your walk with your pet without being pulled down the street.

Q: Where does lead aggression come from, and what can I do about it?

A: This behaviour is usually due to a lack of proper training, and from not socializing your pet properly. This behaviour sometimes cannot be corrected but if you are patient and work on proper training methods there is a possibility of correction. Your pet generally feels protective of the owner on the end of the leash and if you react in a manner of panic, your pet will react the same. In this situation always stay calm and walk away. Our classes offer on leash socialization, teaching your dog how to say hello to another dog or person.

Q: Why does my dog bark?

A: This is the way your dog communicates. Your pet believes they are protecting you or the home. Dogs will sometimes bark at new noises or when they are playing. We teach different ways to deal with unwanted behaviours in our training classes.

Q: Why is my dog very timid or submissive?

A: This behaviour can be brought on by many different things; such as not being properly socialized, if they have had a physical altercation with another dog, there has been any abuse or sometimes it can be natural. If your pet is a submissively urinating, the best solution is to wait until they are calm and comfortable and only pet them for a short time, do not pet them if they are belly up. Another resolve is to introduce your pet to properly socialized dogs. Puppy and beginner classes always work around socialization.

Q: Why does my dog refuse to walk on the leash?

A: This is an easy training method that you can teach at home quickly. First reward your pet for wearing their collar, once they are comfortable attach the leash to the collar, make sure that you use praise and reward. Once they have become comfortable with this try having them on a leash anytime they are outside, even for a bathroom break. This will also help you with potty training. You can praise your dog when they are on the leash using the bathroom outside.

Q: How do I get my dog to understand their name?

A: Your dog needs to understand what his/her name is. Try to use your dog’s name and when he/she responds offer praise and reward. It is a very simple training method and will help your dog better understand in future training.

Q: What do I do when I catch my dog misbehaving?

A: There are several methods that you can use when you catch your dog misbehaving. Always remember that you must be there to witness the act in order to correct it. The best and most effective way is a time out, such as being placed in the bathroom or a crate for a short time. Removing your pet from the action teaches them that they have done something wrong. Spray bottles and loud noises also help him/her understand this. Make sure you are consistent when correcting behaviours, otherwise your pet will not understand.

Q: How do I start crate training?

A: This is a very good training tool and you are also providing your pet a safe place in the home. Allow your pet to enjoy his/her most favourite treat or toy in the crate only when you are starting to train. Praise your dog when he/she takes an interest to the crate or steps inside. This is a good method to use when potty training your pet, make sure the dog does not have his/her regular food in the crate. The crate should only be big enough for the dog to turn around in. We discuss in more detail about crate training in our classes.

Q: How do I start cutting my dogs nails?

A: This is where training methods called cradle and massage help. Get your pet used to being held and touched everywhere. Our biggest recommendation is to consult a professional dog groomer for the first few times your pet’s nails are cut. When trimming the nails at home, remember not to panic if you cut the quick. You dog will react to your reaction. Our training classes teach you about in home grooming and how to do it properly.